Why Hosted?

Why Should You Consider a PixlBoss Hosted DAM System?

  • No New Internal Costs

    No new demands on your current IT infrastructure (hardware, software, and personnel). Eliminates need for your IT staff to master new software and its configuration. No need to manage the Web infrastructure. Hosted systems free you from the responsibilities of server and system maintenance, system upgrades, etc.

  • Accessibility/Data Protection from the Professionals

    Commercial Web hosting companies offer excellent system up-times and security. Numerous options for data backup (local or off-site).

  • Rapid System Startup

    Experienced professionals insure that all needed primary and support applications are included and properly configured.

  • It shouldn't be your job

    Unless hosted Digital Asset Management Systems are your business, you have more important day-to-day issues to handle. Your DAM system vendor is your professional partner; let them manage it for you.

  • Maximized for Mobility

    All Assets are available wherever you have an Internet connection. Remote Salespeople have 24/7 access to the latest information and sales materials. PixlBoss is optimized for use on Tablets and Smartphones (as well as the desktop) using a web browser -- no special apps necessary.

  • Seamless Scalability

    Need more storage? More powerful server? Hosted systems permit the rapid scaling up of resources as your needs increase, No new hardware to purchase, system OS or application software to buy or configure, and no need to set up and migrate your database and assets. Say the word, and it gets done.

Greater Cincinnati, Ohio